Our classes

Our Pilates Mat classes will help to strengthen and lengthen your muscles within a controlled and supported exercise program. You will enjoy a stronger core, improved posture, strength, co-ordination and balance.
Our experienced instructors will guide you through each exercise and can adapt to cater for all levels of experience.
Our Pilates Reformer Classes are a fantastic way to improve your strength and flexibility whilst enjoying a great class experience.
You will work on balance, alignment, core strength and muscle tone, helping you to enjoy a stronger, leaner body. Suitable for all levels, the Reformer adjusts to suit your individual strength and flexibility. It can take a few classes before you feel completely comfortable with this different style. For your first class please arrive 10min prior so we can ensure we start you properly to give you the best possible experience.
No previous Pilates experience necessary.
(Please note: For your comfort & safety grip socks are required for all reformer classes. If you don’t have your own we have some great designs for sale at reception)
With a nod to Yoga, this Pilates class will move you slowly and smoothly through a strengthening and lengthening practice. You’ll discover a stronger body, improved posture and a sense of strength and release, both mentally and physically.
This class is designed for those who want to push themselves just that little bit further. A fast-paced class that will be sure to get your heart pumping and muscles shaking! Strength, power, fitness and stretch – there will be something for everyone!
This class is suitable for those with previous reformer experience.
(Please note: For your comfort & safety grip socks are required for all reformer classes. If you don’t have your own we have some great designs for sale at reception)
This class is adaptable and will be perfect if you’re new to Pilates Reformer or would equally provide you with a medium intensity class (that’s the beauty of reformer!).
We will ensure you have the opportunity to really get familiar with the Reformer and understand thoroughly how to do each of the exercises.
Pilates Reformer is a fantastic way to improve your strength and flexibility whilst enjoying a great class experience. You will work on balance, alignment, core strength and muscle tone, helping you enjoy a stronger, leaner body
There is no denying it – this high intensity Barre class will do wonders for toning and conditioning your whole body.
A dynamic, low impact fusion of Pilates, ballet and fitness will get the pulse racing. You won’t need any previous experience to enjoy the benefits of a stronger toned body.
Find strength, tone and length in this challenging low impact class. You’ll use a variety of weights and props to build muscle strength in all areas of the body. Suitable for all levels,
Flex Strength is a lovely way to work strongly in a low impact class that moves at a measured pace.
This high intensity class will have you energised and strengthened. Interval training involves bursts of energy which increase the heart rate followed by short recovery periods.
You’ll enjoy improved cardio fitness, muscle tone, fat burning and an increased metabolism for an extended period.
It’s fun – we promise!
Find your flow and enjoy a fluid practice allowing you to lengthen, strengthen and tone through a series of linked poses and a focus on the breath. Calm your mind, energise your body and enjoy a new vitality.
Our candlelit Yoga Slow will nurture your mind, body and soul. Turn your back on the stresses of the day through this Yin-style class which will having you enjoying a new sense of flexibility and mobility through the joints and connective tissues.
Tension is eased, headaches and migraines relieved and you’ll enjoy a sense of relaxation like never before.
We believe that to allow the body and mind to fully relax and release tension we first need to move to create heat.
This class is for both new and experienced yogis wanting to improve their regular practice with a well rounded yoga sequence. It focuses on all aspects of yoga to increase endurance, strength and flexibility of the body as well as increasing focus and bringing a sense of calm in the mind.
You will begin with a warm up of sun salutations and slow moving standing poses to build strength, balance and warmth in the body, then you will increase flexibility and resilience with long held poses whilst seated or lying on the mat.
Your Yoga Immersion experience will finish with a guided relaxation and meditative savasana to relax the body and mind.
Good mobility and flexibility is vital to ensure we move freely and without tightness and pain. A regular deep stretch and foam roller massage will help with myofascial release and help to avoid injury, improve posture and release muscle and joint tension. 
This class combines the foam roller and deep stretches to explore your range of movement, keeping your body supple and strong.
Enhance your flexibility, improve posture, and expand your range of movement with the Reformer Stretch class. In this class you’ll use mindful breathing techniques to stretch deeply and release tension. Using longer holds and a variety of stretching techniques you’ll safely move the body through different planes of motion and enjoy a lightness of movement through the entire body.

We passionately believe in the positive impact of regular exercise on our mental, physical and emotional health. This applies as much to teenagers with the huge amount of academic, social and general stress they deal with daily.

We want to help them with a weekly Pilates Reformer class, tailored to their needs.

These classes will:

* Promote positive body image with a focus on strength, confidence and enjoyment (complete with great music!)
* Provide an opportunity for teens to make new friends outside of their school friendship groups.
* Provide an opportunity for participation in a non-competitive physical activity.
* Establish positive exercise habits allowing for the learning of valuable skills that can be carried through to many areas of their daily lives (eg. Simple breathing techniques to reduce stress before exams; Easy stretches to do post exercise to avoid muscle soreness).
* Provide an enjoyable, engaging opportunity for teens to build confidence, reduce stress. The classes will be tailored to the needs of the class each week (eg. pre-exam period vs energy overflow!).

We passionately believe in the positive impact of regular exercise on our mental, physical and emotional health.
Client specific strengthening and improved mobility programs assist with the maintenance of function and lifestyle, together with enhancing mental regulation.
We understand that all NDIS clients are different, so we aim to provide a variety of options for all budgets.



Convenience of in-studio classes 7 days per week plus on-demand options, we have something for even the busiest schedule.


Whether it's classes every day or once a week, our simple, flexible membership and class pack options will offer you the best value.


All NDIS clients are different, so we aim to provide a variety of options for all budgets.